
All pages follow a logical document structure. Screen reader users can get around pages quickly by moving between headings. Navigation menus are marked up as lists.

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All content images used in this site include descriptive alt text. Purely decorative images have empty alt text.

Forms have their labels explicitly associated with their controls.

All link text has been written to make sense out of context.

We strive to comply with the W3C WAI’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and aim for our pages to conform to a minimum of WAI-A compliance. Wherever possible, level AA and AAA requirements are also met. See Caveats below.

At the time of launch, all pages validated to HTML5.

We cannot guarantee the accessibility of external information linked to from this website.

As we are continuously updating our website, exceptions to the above accessibility standards may sometimes inadvertently be introduced. If you have difficulty accessing any of our content please get in touch with us using our contact form.